Smart test kit
lab quality, smart solutions
A modern drop test with Smart functionality, developed by the Reef Factory laboratory. It is designed for quick measurement of nitrates concentration in a marine aquarium in home conditions.
The kit allows you to perform
about 60 tests
in the range of 2 to 200 mg/l
Key features
- laboratory-proven quality
- easy to perform and read the test result
- all reagents are in a liquid formula
- packaging with convenient compartments
- high efficiency – the ability to perform a large number of tests from one set
The NO3 Smart test kit is one of many drop tests from Reef Factory. Take care of your aquarium with laboratory precision and smart solutions.

Meet Smart test kits

Smart functionalities
in the Smart Reef app
Interactive manual

Automatic calculation
of the measurement result

how to care for an aquarium

Clear history of measurements
in the Parameter Panel


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